1. Regional metamorphism took place in Upper Carboniferous(C3), the first section of Changxing formation of upper Permian(P32-1)and the second section of Changxing formation of upper Permian(P32-2). Thermal alteration metasomatism can be found around the contact between igneous stocks and surrounding rocks, hornfels and skarn being produced. Dynamic metamorphism caused appearance of structural breccias, cataclasite and mylonite etc in fractured zones, forming calcitization, dolomitization, tremolitization and chloritization .
It has the relationship of angular unconformity with the first section of Changxing formation of upper Permian((P32-1).
2. First section of Changxing Formation of Upper Permian((P32-1)
分布于勘查区西部及北西部地势较高的山脊及山坡处,地层总体呈北北东~南南西向展布,为一套基性火山岩组成。岩石组合为绿黑、黑色致密块状玄武岩、杏仁状玄武岩、玄武质凝灰岩、玄武质角砾岩,局部夹有玄武质集块岩,部分地段见有发育程度不高的柱状节理。顶部与二叠系上统长兴组二段(P32-2)石灰岩层呈平行整合接触关系,接触产状倾向82°~85°,倾角10°~30°,厚度>114米。The strata of first section of Changxing formation strike northeast by north, dipping 82°-85°with angles of 10°-30°, total widths being over 114m. Lithology is massive green and black basalt, basaltic tuff, basaltic breccia and occasional basaltic agglomerate in which weakly developed column joints could be seen. At top the member contacts limestone of P32-2 in parallel conformity.
The overall occurrence is flat and consistent with the overlying limestone. It has the relationship of angular unconformity with the underlying carboniferous strata. There are no Longtan formation of upper Permian(P31) and Middle Permian and lower Permian.
Tectoniclly, magmatism taken place in XX country can be classified into three stages, i.e. early Proterozoic-early Carboniferous stage, late Carboniferous-middle Triassic stage and Late Carboniferous-Quaternary. Magmatism in the gold deposit distict was limited to late Carboniferous-middle Triassic.
Magmatism zone stretches in northeast, extending to Loei of Thailand in south and connecting with AiXX countryhan mountain (west branch of the tectonic belt) of China. In the magmatic zone, the mafic, intermediate and acidic igneous rocks and volcanics were well developed. The igneous rocks include granodiorite, mica-quartz diorite and monzonite etc. occurring in stocks sized 1-10km2. According to the isotopic dating obtained by Raselli (1972) in granodiorite using potassium-argon method in Sarakam, the age was (255±10)Ma, Middle Permian - Late Permian Epoch. Based on the analysis of geotectonics evolutionary characteristics, the acid intrusive rocks may form in Early Triassic - Middle Triassic Epoch and was the product of island arc setting.
Metamorphism regionally occurs in form of regional metamorphism, alteration metasomatism and dynamic metamorphism. Slate, siltic slate and slightly metamorphic siltstone are the products of regional metamorphism. Alteration metasomatism can be found around the contact between igneous rockbodies and surrounding rocks, hornfels and skarn being produced. Dynamic metamorphism caused appearance of structural breccias, cataclasite and mylonite etc in fractured zones.
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