Seagull and Other Birds
中国演出台本 第一版 (雷雨和茶馆版)
Chinese Playscript with Stage Directions Version I (Thunderstorm and Teahouse Version)
李 XX:各位观众欢迎今晚来观看我的演出,《海鸥和别的鸟》。
Li XX: Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to watch our performance Seagull and Other Birds tonight.
Our drama is jointly manufactured by Ireland Pan Pan Theatre and Beijing Dafang Xiaoyue and XX Theatre Co., Ltd. As we are an international famous troupe and have won a lot of awards, you can have expectations for our performance tonight. It will be particularly wonderful. Please pass and have a look at our certificates of merits and trophies.
Scriptwriters of our drama include Anton Chekhov, Edward Albee, Lao She, Cao Yu, Kun Huo, Daniel Weldon, Derek Deeven, Pak Chi-eun, Zhu Yutong, Wang Jinglei and Sun Yue.
Actors of our drama are WangXX, Xia XX, Li XX, Gao XX, Hou XX and Li XX.
我们这个戏的作曲有巴赫、新兴城市鼠(The Boomtown Rats)、柴可夫斯基、萧敬腾、李宇春、崔健。
Composers of our drama include Bach, The Boomtown Rats, Tchaikovsky, Xiao Jingteng, Li Yuchun and Cui Jian.
[Talk Show - Bang-bang Trio]
李 XX:我的第一个问题其实还挺八卦,作为一个断背山,你看《色·戒》当中的这种男女情爱的镜头,跟这个异性恋的观感会有不同吗?
Li XX: My first question is actually gossip. As a lesbian, is there any difference between you and the heterosexual in respect of the feeling when you see the shots of love in Lust Caution?
Hou XX: First, I wanna say that maybe it’s just a kiss. It was previously reported that there will be 30 minutes. It is a very long time when you really do it. So, I am very curious.
夏 XX:香港人就实在,上来就先算30分钟。在那看着表数。
Xia XX: Hong Kong people are really realistic to look at the watch to count the time of 30 minutes.
李 XX:观众有可能就带着这个表进去也说不定。
Li XX: It is also possible that the audience may also count time.
侯XX:不到 30分钟就觉得骗人嘛。
Hou XX: Will they think it is deceptious without 30 minutes?
夏 XX:对啊。因为难保有一些观众就是冲着这30分钟去的。其实它有三段,那三段加起来30分钟。不过这几段床戏对整个电影很重要。有个说法很有道理,女人要想得到一个男人的心,必须要经过他的胃;男人要想得到一个女人的心,必须要经过她的那个地方。这句话原来是说,要想通过男人的心,必须通过男人的胃,女人要取悦男人你得给他做好吃的。那要通过女人的心呢,就必须要通过那个地方。
Xia XX: Right. You cannot deny that there may be some audiences who come to there just for the 30 minutes. In fact, there are three episodes totaling 30 minutes. However, these erotic episodes are very important for the entire movie. There is a reasonable saying that a woman must win a man’s heart through his stomach; a man must win a woman’s heart through that place. The saying was originally that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, which means that, to please a man, a woman should cook delicious foods for him. The way to a woman's heart is through that place.
Hou XX: That place? What do you mean? Zhang Ailing fully revealed that place or that space to readers. Unexpectedly, Li An made an issue of that space, enriching the entire movie. To me, these three erotic episodes are very important for the Lust Caution of Li An. You can say that the relationship between Wang Jiazhi and Mr. Yi in the Lust Caution of Li An is the so called love between a female spy and the traitor. Does it mean that women like the way adopted by men to get along with them? Or men like the way adopted by women to get along with them.
夏 XX:今天到我们演播室来做客的就是最最著名闻名遐尔的蔷蔷法师。(索林缓缓移动至底中) Xia XX: Today the guest in our studio is the most famous Archmage Qiangqiang. (Sorin moves to the center of bottom slowly)
李 XX:哪里,哪里,您这是在抬举我,我再闻名遐尔我还能闻名过马老师吗?
Li XX: You overestimate me. Even though I am famous, I am still inferior to Teacher Ma.
夏 XX:马老师最近虽然得了个十大节目什么奖,但我看在某些方面名气远远不如您。
Xia XX: Although Teacher Ma won a award recently, he is much inferior to you in some aspects in my opinion.
Hou XX: Yes. She is right.
夏 XX:您应该算是和尚里上电视最多的了吧?
Xia XX: you must be one of the monks who appears on TV for the most times?
李 XX:上电视最多的那是唐僧。
Li XX: It is Tangseng who appears on TV for the most times.
Hou XX: It is a fictional character.
李 XX:再就是马老师。
Li XX: Then, followed by Teacher Ma.
Hou XX: You really overestimate yourself to enjoy an equal treatment with Tangseng.
夏 XX:我这些年对文物有那么多的认识,都受益于看马老师节目。
Xia XX: My understanding of cultural relics in these years benefits from Teacher Ma’s program.
李 XX:这个和尚就很有道行,一见面先把这屋里的人全夸一遍,这就是和尚的生存之道。
Li XX: The monk is skillful. He has spoken well of everyone in the house. It is the way of living for a monk.
夏 XX:这现在也在坐。
Xia XX: Now also. (索林底边来回缓走)(Sorin walks back and forth at the bottom)
Hou XX: With disturbances in the world, you need to always maintain quiet and relieved in the mind. A little monk in a temple asked me why the master still needed to read books. It’s very hard. You should be content with the current situation. Over ten years later, it may be required to pass CET 4 or 6 for becoming a monk, which is the need of development.
夏 XX:又有人说了,蔷蔷法师为什么老去大学讲座?那么一个僧人不讲座讲什么,蔷蔷法师你为什么老讲人生,那么不讲人生讲什么?那你为什么老讲生命?那生命我们活什么?
Xia XX: Some others also ask that why Archmage Qiangqiang often goes to the university to give a lecture. Then, what else can a monk give apart from lectures. Why shouldn’t Archmage Qiangqiang talk about something else in addition to life? Why do you often talk about life? What do we live for in our life?
李 XX:我能听得出来这位法师有着一套很完整的理论系统,在他的书里都是一段一段的人生警句,句句都是普普通通的大白话,他高就高在,试图用这种家长礼短的话来开解你的心结。
Li XX: I know that the Archmage has a complete set of theoretical system. His book is full of epigrams, all of which are simple but try to unlock the knots in your heart with the simplest language.
Hou XX: Then, I want to ask you, Archmage. Some say that your book is not so good. It at most is a chicken soup for the soul.
夏 XX:鸡汤就够了。
Xia XX: Chicken soup is enough.
李 XX:出家人吃素,鸡汤就免了。
Li XX: Vegetable is sufficient for a monk. Save the chicken soup.
(Three People Freeze, Long Pause).....................
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