Race Start Ceremony Scheme of 2019 Dongfeng Nissan Chengdu Marathon
一、 地点
I. Place
Jinsha Site Museum (East Gate)
二、 拟邀请发令及观礼嘉宾
II. Starting and Honored Ceremony-attending Guests to Be Invited
(一) 发令嘉宾(x人)
(I) Honored Starting Guests (x)
国家体育总局田径运动管理中心党委书记、副主任、中国田径协会副主席 王楠
Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the General Administration of Sports of China Track and Field Management Center, and Vice Chairman of the Track and Field Association of China Wang Nan
Leader of the China Disabled Persons' Federation
成都市委副书记、市长 罗强
Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Chengdu Luo Qiang
成都市副市长 王平江
Vice Mayor of Chengdu City Wang Pingjiang
成都市政府办公厅秘书长 周先毅
Secretary General of Chengdu Municipal Government Office Zhou Xianyi
四川省体育局党组书记、局长 罗冬灵
Party Secretary and Director of Sichuan Sports Bureau Luo Dongling
成都市体育局党组书记、局长 熊艳
Party Secretary and Director of Chengdu Sports Bureau Xiong Yan
Chairman of Chengdu Media Group
万达体育集团中国区总裁 高益民
President of Wanda Sports Group China Region Gao Yimin
Sponsor Dongfeng Nissan
Chengdu High-tech Zone Management Committee
Chengdu Tianfu New District Management Committee
People's Government of Jinjiang District
People's Government of Qingyang District
People's Government of Jinniu District
People's Government of Wuhou District
Chengdu Public Security Bureau
Chengdu Health Committee
Chengdu Urban Management Committee
Chengdu Transportation Bureau
Chengdu Municipal Government News Office
Communist Youth League Chengdu Municipal Committee
三、 主要流程
III. Main Procedures
7:00:00 发枪仪式嘉宾抵达金沙遗址路VIP嘉宾休息处
7:00:00a.m The honored starting ceremony guests arrived at the VIP lounge of Jinsha Site Road.
7:10 裁判发令,竞速轮椅运动员出发
7:10a.m Referee starts, and the wheelchair race athletes set off
7:10 工作人员到嘉宾休息区向发令嘉宾介绍发令须知和发令枪使用办法
7:10a.m The staff go to the guest lounge area to brief the starting guests on the starting notices and the usage of the starting gun.
7:11-7:23 文艺表演(金沙太阳节表演)
7:11a.m-7:23a.m Art performance (JInsha Sun Festival Performance)
7:11-7:24 儿童合唱团候场、发令嘉宾到主舞台右侧备场
7:11a.m-7:24a.m Children's choir waits, and the starting guests prepare on the right side of the main stage
7:25 礼仪小姐引导发枪嘉宾上主舞台/礼仪小姐举牌倒计时5分钟/(儿童合唱团就位)
7:25a.m The ritual girl guides the starting guests to the main stage / the ritual girl holds a guideboard to count down 5 minutes / (children’s choir is in place)
7:25:30-7:28 主持人宣布“2019成都马拉松”起跑仪式开始,介绍发枪嘉宾
7:25:30a.m-7:28a.m The host announces the start of the Race Start Ceremony of 2019 Chengdu Marathon and brief the starting guests.
7:27:00 礼仪小姐举牌倒计时3分钟
7:27:00a.m The ritual girl counts down 3 minutes
7:28-7:29 奏唱国歌
7:28a.m-7:29a.m Singing the anthem
7:29:00 礼仪小姐举牌倒计时1分钟
7:29:00a.m The ritual girl holds a guideboard to count down 1 minute
7:29:30 礼仪小姐向发枪嘉宾送发令枪
7:29:30a.m The ritual girl sends the starting gun to the starting guests
7:29:50 主持人宣布:请发令嘉宾为“2019成都马拉松”鸣枪发令
7:29:50a.m The host announces: starting guests fire for 2019 Chengdu Marathon
7:30:00 主持人: “请嘉宾准备,发枪倒计时开始,3,2,1!”、 嘉宾“鸣枪”、计时钟开表、运动员起跑
7:30:00a.m The host: “The starting guests prepare, start the countdown for firing, 3, 2, 1!” The starting guest fires and starts the timing clock and the athletes start running.
7:55:00 嘉宾观礼结束,儿童合唱团撤场
7:55:00a.m The ceremony-attending of guests finishes and the children's choir withdraws
8:15:00 嘉宾转场至全程终点观摩及参加颁奖仪式
8:15:00a.m The guests will be transferred to the destination of marathon to watch and participate in the award ceremony.
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